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What Are Single Tooth Implants?

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If you have a single missing tooth, you might be considering a dental bridge to fill the gap. Although bridges are one of the most common treatment options for missing tooth replacement, a single tooth implant can often be a better and more permanent alternative. Unlike bridges, the placement of a dental implant does not require any modification of adjacent teeth. A dental implant acts like a natural tooth and root — it consists of a titanium post secured in the jawbone as well as a crown designed to look and feel like your surrounding teeth.

With a single tooth implant, you can continue your regular oral hygiene routine of brushing and flossing; no additional special care is required. In the long term, single tooth implants can also offer several other benefits over dental bridges, including improved jawbone health. As the implant post fuses with the jawbone, it helps to prevent bone deterioration that can otherwise occur when teeth are missing. Additionally, single tooth implants help patients avoid potential damage that sometimes occurs if the cement holding the bridge in place wears down. This breakdown could provide access for bacteria that can decay the teeth being used to support the bridge. A single tooth implant eliminates the possibility of this rare, but troublesome issue.

Ultimately, bridges are still an excellent way to replace a missing tooth for qualified patients. However, for many individuals, a single tooth implant offers a more permanent and convenient option, effectively restoring your mouth with a natural looking and feeling result.